Monday, January 12, 2009

A Sweet New Baby!!

I just can't resist sharing pictures of this sweet new baby girl!! My cousin gave birth to her first baby last Tuesday afternoon. Kristen, Ian and I went to visit them on Saturday afternoon. Here is Jordyn Kayleigh, the newest member of our family. She is so sweet!!
This is how she was when we arrived.....

Sleeping soundly....

It didn't take long until I couldn't stand it anymore and had to pick her up for some snuggles!! Ian wasn't so sure at first but then he didn't want me to take her out of his lap.

Me just enjoying the sweet babyness!!

Of course Kristen was just itching to get her hands on Jordyn too.

Time to wake up baby! She has a broken collar bone from birth so they are keeping her arm close to her body by keeping it inside her shirt for a few days while it heals. She kept trying to pop that little hand out though!

Pretending she wasn't awake...

So funny!! It looks like she is saying..." Hahaha, I am fooling you"

Not so happy about getting a diaper change now. is all better now!!

How precious is she?

One more snuggle before I left. I fed her a bottle while I was there too.

There is nothing more precious than a newborn babe.....aaaahhhhh, it is like holding a little piece of heaven in my arms.


Rhonda said...

Isn't she just the most beautiful baby girl! She is just precious Chandra! Poor little thing, a broken collar bone. Aww poor baby. My hear breaks for her.

Sadie said...

Ahhhh, congrats and welcome to the world Jordyn! What a wonderful blessing for your family.

Mama Teaching 3 said...

What a sweet baby! Lots of new snuggles coming up on this blog! :)

Sherri said...

She is beautiful! I can just smell the baby lotion and feel that soft hair on my face. "sigh"