Here is Aaron working hard on his math assignment.
Momo working on math....
Kristen working on math. For some reason they all decided to start with math that day!
Kristen took a break to get dinner going in the crock pot. This is the first time she has made chicken in crock pot for us and it was really yummy!
After lunch, Momo worked on her LA.
....While Aaron cleaned up from lunch. That is home ec in my books!
After cleaning the kitchen, he joined Momo at the table for some L.L.A.T.L.
Once we were all finished with lessons for the day, our neighbors joined us for some P.E. time. We did some laps around the house, stopping at each corner to do some different exercises such as kangaroo jumps, push ups and jumping jacks. Then we played a game throwing the tennis ball up onto the roof. One person would throw the ball up and then do jumping jacks until the next person in line caught it.
Then after we all played a game of kickball, the kids just played outside for a bit while Lisa and I chatted.
Wednesday morning was another good start. We all got up and got busy with lessons. Soon after, Kayden came to spend the day with us. Look how much he has grown!! He is getting so big but just as cute as ever. The kids loved having him for the day.
Silly face!
Aaron back to work again.
Momo was a good helper and got Kayden to sleep for his nap all by herself!!
While Kayden slept, we sat down for some more school work. The girls were working on science. Kristen is finishing up a unit on astronomy and Morgan began a unit all about animals, life cycles and food chains. Ian was doing some preK work.
Look what a great job Ian did writing his name. I wrote the top one for him and he wrote it all by himself below.
Trying it again!
Kristen working hard.
Morgan having a good time with her animals lapbook.
More fun with Kayden!
After Kayden went home we were off to church for the usual Wednesday night activities. Thursday just a quiet school day at home. Friday, was another school day at home but since the weather was great, Momo and Ian took a break to have a picnic lunch in the yard.
I am not sure what they took outside to eat but whatever it was I think Ian enjoyed it by the looks of his dirty face!
That wraps up our week!! It was a nice week and I think everyone was glad to get back to some sort of routine. The best part of the week was I was home, and not working. I gave my notice at work Monday night and then had one of the other staff members cover my shifts for the rest of the week. It is so wonderful to be back at home full time!!
Look at Ian! He is going to be a schooler too! :) AWWWW!
So glad to hear that you are enjoying your time back at home. Those kiddos have really been working hard on their lessons. WTG ya'll. Hannah will be cooking in the crockpot tomorrow for Home Ec. She will be preparing some beans and smoked sausage and cornbread for our supper. Yep, I consider cleaning up the kitchen part of Home Ec, too. LOL! The girls have been outside some for P.E, but it has turned cold here again so now I am looking for some good exercises for inside. Morgan is such a sweetheart. She looks so sweet putting Kayden to sleep. Ian did a great job writing his name. He is growing, but still so little. Sounds like a wonderful week back after the holidays!
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