Friday, April 4, 2008

Riverboat Cruise Field Trip!!

We had a great field trip on Tuesday, April 1st!! There were about 80 homeschoolers all together that went and it was so much fun!! We went on a cruise with The weather was great and we all had such a good time! I'll let the pictures tell about our adventure.

Here are some of us, waiting to board the boat.

The Savannah River Queen!

Aaron chatting with some of the guys....

Stephanie and I doing what we do best!!

Kristen, Ian, Cade, Tyler, Momo and Sara waiting to board..

Ian being silly...

Some of the HUGE ships we saw.

A view of Riverstreet from the boat.

Waiting to leave the dock.

So excited as we start to move....he said " Mama, we about to FLOAT!!!"

Lil'Rob enjoying the ride.

If I remember right, this one was some sort of research vessel.
Some of the guys hanging out, enjoying the ride.


Some of the ports.
Another big ship!

Kristen and I.

Momo, Sara and Lulu(Morgan)

Our family! We were lucky that Randy got to take the day off and go with us for this one!

Lil'Rob posing for the camera. He loved the ride!

The big boys again.
Another view of Riverstreet as we were coming back up to the dock.
Tug boats!

Our captain! He was great. He even played a funny April Fool's joke on us!

Back on land, we were heading to get our picnic lunches out of the vehicles.

There are always lots of birds around the water.
I think he was saying he didn't want his picture taken!!

Picnic time!! Our neighbors the Smitheys, Lisa and her kids, Stephanie and hers, and all of us enjoyed some time down on Riverstreet after the cruise. We all brought lunch and ate together.

Then the kids ran off some energy playing in the trees for a bit. Did you know there were monkeys in the trees down in Savannah!!

The cool guys!

No day on Riverstreet would be complete without a visit to We all got free samples of pralines and the kids watched them making salt water taffy. Then of course, everyone needed ice cream to end the day!!

Almost all our kids (4 families).

After this, it was time to head home. Everyone was tired and it was a good thing! Just as we left Savannah, the rain poured down!! It was perfect timing!! The kids told me on the way home that this was one of the best field trips so far!!


Rhonda said...

Wow! Looks like a wonderful time. I love the photos of the little monkeys in the trees. *wink*

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to ride a riverboat! We had one here that was also a restuarant, it sunk before I could go. :(

I love the photo of the seagull with his mouth wide open!