Friday, April 4, 2008


Let's see, Monday was a nice day. Lil'Rob got here and we did some school work. Here is Lil'Rob and Momo working together. Lil'Rob learned the letter H and some words that start with H! Momo was working on her math.

Here is Kayden, just being happy!

Monday night we played outside in the yard. Randy and Aaron played horseshoes, the little boys played with the croquet set and Tonka trucks. Momo was over at a friends.

Randy was teaching Kristen how to play horseshoes too.

Kristen and I played catch for a bit and Frisbee too before we all went in to get baths and ready for bed! It was a nice day.


Alison said...

Looks like sucha blast!

Rhonda said...

We love to play horseshoes here. Looks like a great day. Those Tonka trucks are so cool looking. I don't have boys here so I don't get to see boy toys at my house.