Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hair cut!! A fun day with Lil' Rob and school time!

We had a good week this past week. Monday and Tuesday were just normal school days at home. Wednesday we went to coop and then afterwards we made a stop by the library. I was excited to find some of the books I am looking at using for our curriculum next year so I checked them out to take a look at before I make a final decision. After the library, Aaron went to get his hair cut. It looks a lot better. Here is a picture I took of him Thursday morning. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with Stephanie, Tyler and Morgan (Lulu) and we ordered pizza for supper before heading back to church for AWANA.

Thursday morning, Robert ( Uncle Bobo) came by and dropped Lil' Rob off to play for the day and Aaron went to spend the day with him. We had lots of fun with Lil'Rob as you can see from the following pictures. These first two are some I was playing with and changed to black and white. I just thought they were so cute. You can see the colored versions below.
My sweet nephew, Lil'Rob.


Lil' Rob riding the choo choo....

just having fun!

playing Thomas Trains so nice together.....

Lunch time!! Pizza rolls and oranges....yummy!

Pizza mouth!

After lunch, the boys pulled out the blocks for a bit.

They just played to well together all day!!

and they did a great job making a few messes too!! This was the contents of one of our school supply boxes they thought would be fun to dump!!

...and they spent a few minutes snuggled up watching TV.

Next up was a game of doctor.....I think this Dr. grabbed the wrong tool box!!! HAHAH

Nothing finishes off a fun day better than a nice warm bath!!

Ian had a great time letting his truck run down the side ledge of the tub and splashing into the water.....ready......set.......


Friday we had a normal school day again. Here is Momo working on a shape house. I meant to take a picture once it was finished but I forgot to do that.

Aaron was working on his lapbook on slavery for his history.

Apparently, strange positions help Kristen concentrate better on her math work.

More lapbook work....

Here is Momo working on the vocab book for her penguin lapbook.

Morgan bought some bubbles when we went to the grocery store Friday afternoon. Here Randy, Momo, Ian and Maggie were having some bubble fun!!

When we got back from the store, Mrs. Julie stopped by to get her birthday gift and visit for a minute. That is always a special treat to see her!! I should have grabbed my camera to get a picture of the kids with Mrs. Julie but I didn't think about it until after she had left....I'll try to remember when she comes by Tuesday.


Rhonda said...

My 2 older girls are working on their Titanic lapbook and they love it. I have a few questions for you. About how long do you let them spend on their lapbooks until they are completed? Also, Aaron is about the same age as my oldest daughter. She will begin a high school curriculum in the fall. What are you planning on using for Aaron next fall? I am just so undecided, and could use a little input. Thanks hon.

Alison said...

Everything looks like great fun!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I love the couch picture! hee hee..