Here are Aaron and Chris posing before the program. We don't get them in a tie very often!!
And Momo.....
Momo and Sara!
Sara will be a Kindergarten graduate next year!
Ian and Sara having fun!
Morgan and Morgan! The only girls in the Kindergarten class!!
Momo and Lulu, up close....look at all those sweet freckles!! I love them!
All three girlies together!
Our friend, Eric, was the speaker for the night.
Stephanie giving Morgan C. her diploma.
Stephanie, Scott and Lulu.
Momo's turn for her diploma!
The Kindergarten class and parents!
Now time for Aaron. Notice the slideshow up on the wall behind the stage. They did this for all of the graduates as their names were called.
The 8th grade class with parents on stage.
Randy and I with our graduates after the program.
This gives an idea how tall Aaron has gotten. Randy is 6 feet and I am 5'9". Aaron is just over 5'10"!
The program was followed by a small reception. We didn't stay for too long though since we decided to go out to eat to celebrate. We are very proud of all of our kiddos. They have done great this past year!!
Congratulations to Aaron and Morgan. Lindsay has her Kindergarten graduation on the 31st of this month. I can't wait!
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