Friday, November 14, 2008

Pumpkin Fun!!

I am giving up on making each post title the week number because I can't seem to find the time to post each week and then I loose track of what week we are on.

So, before I left for work on Halloween, we had some pumpkin fun!! Morgan invited Sara to come over to make some pumpkins with us too. First, we painted potatoes to look like jack-o-lanterns!! Well, we only had 3 potatoes so Kristen painted a Styrofoam ball!
Here is Ian painting his.

and Momo painting.

Four happy smiles, having fun!

While we waited for the potatoes to dry, we made torn paper pumpkin pictures. ( Ian had a little help tearing his pieces.)

The next craft was paper bag pumpkins. We stuffed lunch bags and tied them up with raffia. Then, we painted them. These are really cute.

Kristen didn't make one of these but she helped Ian with his.

Here they are all done. The black paint wanted to run so the faces look sorta creepy!

Morgan and Kristen wrote an acrostic poem. Here is Kristen's.

...and here is Momo's!

Ian made a Pumpkin Counting mini book.

Here is all their work on display!

That was how we spend Halloween morning!!


Rhonda said...

Looks like a great Halloween morning to me. I love the paper bag pumpkins. How cute!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I remember the one year we did stuff like this. I loved it. Our trick or treat days are so busy now.