Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Concert!!!

Saturday night, Kristen and I had a girl's night out. Our neighbor Lisa, went with us too. We left about 4pm and headed out to eat Chinese food to start. Then we went to a concert. We saw Tammy Trent. Kristen was so excited and had been counting the days all month. Here she is with her friend, Olivia while we were waiting for the concert to begin.

and with me too!

Here is a pic of Tammy Trent performing.

After a great concert, the girls went up to get autographs from Tammy's band. I got pics of all but the base player but they did get his autograph too.

the drummer...

the keyboard player...
the guitar player...

Tammy signing..

Chandra, Tammy, Kristen

Kristen and Tammy
Tammy just being silly!! HAHAH
We had a great night! When we got home, Kristen got online and emailed Tammy. She was so happy last night when she was looking at her email and Tammy emailed her back!!


Rhonda said...

Looks like yall had a wonderful time. Great pictures!

Alison said...

very cool!

Anonymous said...