Monday, October 8, 2007

Random pics and SNAGGLE TOOTH!!!

First, BIG NEWS!! Momo Monkey lost her first tooth today!!! She is very proud of herself!! My baby girl turning into a big girl more and more every day!! Here she is showing her gap!!

Ian wanted me to take a picture of his teeth too!!

Here are just a few pictures from one night last week. Kristen made herself a tote bag to carry her stuff to coop and her AWANA books in. She is getting better with the sewing machine!!

Ian just being his cute self!!

Practice, Practice, Practice!!


Rhonda said...

Congratulations Morgan! Lindsay has lost 2 teeth already on the bottom. If she keeps it up, the tooth fairy will be broke before you know it.

Sherri said...

Wow! I have missed so many of your cool posts. For some reason, when I pull your page up on my big computer, it was pulling up an old post over and over. I am on my laptop tonight and here are all of these wonderful new posts! I have some catching up to do.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the lost tooth!! :)

Post pictures of Kristen's tote bag ~ I wanna see!