Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Eve Party

Our family has our big get together on Christmas Eve. This year, it was at our house. We had a great time and the kids were very excited to be hosting the party this year. We also had Aunt Trina(my sister), Uncle Tony, Trey, Roger, Asha and Uncle Johnny(my brother) spend the night with us.

Kristen and our youngest cousin, Kayden.

Hanging out before we ate.

Ian took a quick nap while everyone was arriving. He was trying to wake up just in time to eat!!

Me and Ian with cousins Ashley and Ryan.

Our niece, Asha.

Nieces, Asha and Michelle

Me with the two little men, Ian and Lil' Rob.

Nephew, Roger.

Part of the crowd eating. We set tables and chairs up in the garage to make room for everyone!

All done eating, now getting ready to open gifts!!

Ian loved the airplane he got from Mema!

Momo and Uncle John John trying out her new tea set!

Later on after everyone had left we hung out and watched a movie. Trey ( my nephew) being a good sport!! HAHA

Momo playing with the Little Luvable Factory she got from Aunt Kay and Uncle Nicky.

Then it was off to bed to wait for Santa!!

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