Sunday, November 11, 2007

New family members!! And more...

First of all, I am not sure what Aaron and Kristen were doing here.....they had Aaron balanced on the recliner and took pics. I guess you have to be a preteen/teen to understand this!

Aaron snapped this of Ian watching a movie the other day.....ignore the mess of toys all around him!
Next up, Maggie finally got her hair cut! She was really getting scraggly. She looks so much better now so we had to get some pics!!

Now for the new family members!! We got two hermit crabs!! The kids are so excited and we are having so much fun watching them. They have named them Mr. Crabs and Squidward ( I think, they said they might change it to Spongebob). Anyway, here are lots pics.
The "crabitat" set up
An end view but if you look in the bottom left corner you can see one of them hiding down there.
The other end, but Squidward is down in the right too.

Over on the left side, Squidward is coming through the tunnel and Mr. Crabs is down in the corner beside the big white shell.
Squidward decided he should cross on top of the tunnel this time.
Mr. Crabs eating eggs!
Chico was fussing because he was being left out so I had to get some pictures of him too. Notice his wings are raised up in this picture...the flash on the camera made him jump!!

Pretty bird!
Kristen grabbed the camera for a minute and took this one of Papa (Randy).
Then these of Ian and Mama.

Ian said he was going to sleep on the counter with the crabs.

More of the crabs....Here Squidward is back on top of the tunnel.
All the kids, and a friend checking them out.
Squidward again....he is the mischeivous one it seems.
But, here comes Mr. Crabs, he decided to get in on the fun. He is coming through the tunnel now.
And down in the right corner, he is checking out the little castle/stair thing.

Since I took the pictures and started this post, Squidward has already left his shell and taken up residence in one of the new shells!!!

We have had a good weekend and had lots and lots of family time which has been great too.


Stephanie said...

4 kids 4 animals you guys are out numbered!!!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

So glad they are enjoying those crabs. :) If you ever get to the sound side on Pensacola or Jhonson beach you can just play with tons of them! Too much fun!

Sherri said...

Love the pics! We have never owned hermit crabs, but have enjoyed our neighbor's!