Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Randy bought Ian a new water toy Sunday afternoon. He LOVES it. When you pull the lever, the water pushes the rocket straight up in the air andthen it will hover on the stream of water so you can make it go up and down!! The older kids were swimming next door so Ian got to enjoy playing with it alone for a bit. He was laughing and having so much fun with it. He kept saying "WOW!! AWESOME!!!"


Alison said...


Anonymous said...

Oh you HAVE to tell me where you got that rocket! DS would love it!!
Retrocutie from JM

chandra said...

It came from Walmart!

Heather the Mama Duk said...

That looks like such fun! We had a little step on rocket my in-laws sent from Ireland. It wasn't nearly as nice as that one though. The kids loved it.

I tagged you for the 8 things meme... http://camianacademy.homeschooljournal.net/archives/411