Monday, June 9, 2008

Tag Your It!!

OK, Alison over at Wayzley Academy tagged me on her blog so I am going to play along.

5 things on my list to do today:( it’s 10pm so I’ll do this for tomorrow)

1. Some cleaning
2. More Bubblology with the kids

3. start a project we are going to do for Father's Day
4. my Bible study
5. go swimming

5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Ice Cream

2. fruit

3. granola bars

4. twizzlers

5. chocolate

5 things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire:
1. Travel
2.Build a new huge house on lots of land.
3. Pay off all our debt.
4.Put some away for each of the kids.
5. just have fun without worrying how much it will cost.

5 bad habits:
1. Clenching my jaw.
2. Staying up too late.
3. Procrastinating.
4. obsessing over things
5. Spending too much time on the computer.

5 places I have lived:
1. Whitehorse,Yukon
2. Grimshaw, Alberta
3. Springfield, Ga.
4. Carcross, Yukon
5. Savannah, Ga...and many more!

5 jobs I have had:
1. Grocery Cashier
2. Convenience Store Cashier
3. KFC
4. Daycare
5. Burger Brothers

5 things people don’t know about me: I can't think of anything people don't know so I will just state 5 random things about myself.
1. I am a control freak.
2. I love to read a good book.
3. I am EXTREMELY afraid of reptiles (snakes, frogs, lizards)
4. I love to bake.
5. I like organizing things.

Now, I don't really know who reads this blog so I will tag Stephanie, Sherry, Chelita and anyone else who might read this and has a blog too!!

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