Thursday, June 5, 2008

A new Band!!

We had a special treat at church Sunday!! Aaron and some of his friends have been practicing and working hard. They have their own band now. Randy's band was leading worship at church Sunday. He decided to have the boys play a song!! Their band name is Grounded Again and they did so great!! Needless to say, they were rather nervous. They don't have a singer yet so Randy sang for them. Here they are getting ready before church.

Tuning up....Randy and Jim standing behind him.

The boys....

Aaron is the drummer....

Chris plays bass.....

Jim plays rhythm

Jesse plays lead guitar..

We were so very proud of them!!


Mama Teaching 3 said...

I so wish I could hear them! I bet they were great. :)

Rhonda said...

"Grounded Again" I love it! *giggles* I am sure that you were a proud momma.