Sunday, November 11, 2007

New family members!! And more...

First of all, I am not sure what Aaron and Kristen were doing here.....they had Aaron balanced on the recliner and took pics. I guess you have to be a preteen/teen to understand this!

Aaron snapped this of Ian watching a movie the other day.....ignore the mess of toys all around him!
Next up, Maggie finally got her hair cut! She was really getting scraggly. She looks so much better now so we had to get some pics!!

Now for the new family members!! We got two hermit crabs!! The kids are so excited and we are having so much fun watching them. They have named them Mr. Crabs and Squidward ( I think, they said they might change it to Spongebob). Anyway, here are lots pics.
The "crabitat" set up
An end view but if you look in the bottom left corner you can see one of them hiding down there.
The other end, but Squidward is down in the right too.

Over on the left side, Squidward is coming through the tunnel and Mr. Crabs is down in the corner beside the big white shell.
Squidward decided he should cross on top of the tunnel this time.
Mr. Crabs eating eggs!
Chico was fussing because he was being left out so I had to get some pictures of him too. Notice his wings are raised up in this picture...the flash on the camera made him jump!!

Pretty bird!
Kristen grabbed the camera for a minute and took this one of Papa (Randy).
Then these of Ian and Mama.

Ian said he was going to sleep on the counter with the crabs.

More of the crabs....Here Squidward is back on top of the tunnel.
All the kids, and a friend checking them out.
Squidward again....he is the mischeivous one it seems.
But, here comes Mr. Crabs, he decided to get in on the fun. He is coming through the tunnel now.
And down in the right corner, he is checking out the little castle/stair thing.

Since I took the pictures and started this post, Squidward has already left his shell and taken up residence in one of the new shells!!!

We have had a good weekend and had lots and lots of family time which has been great too.

Monday, November 5, 2007

This and That....

This is how I walked in to find the boys last night. They were watching Toy Story together.

Here is just a picture of Ian from the field trip today that I thought looked really neat when I changed it to black and white...

And last......remember I mentioned last week that Aaron had been working at the church helping build a HUGE cardboard maze? Well, I tried to get some pictures of it. These pictures sort of give the idea but DO NOT do it justice at all. The entire sanctuary of our church was cleaned out and turned into this maze. The lights were all out so you had to crawl through it on your hands and knees, although, some places you even had to army crawl in the DARK!! The kids had a blast building it and can't wait to do it again next year!! In the far back of this first picture is where the maze when up and across the stage. They build a slide in there to get back down off the stage!! It was A-MAZE-ing!!

Field Trip to Magnolia Springs State Park!

Today was our coop field trip to Magnolia Springs State Park. It is just over an hour from here. Those who read our blog will remember our family visited there back in the summer. We had a great time today. There were about 50 of us all together and the weather couldn't have been better. It was so nice out there. The park rangers had lots planned for us. We wish Papa(Randy) could have been with us. He had planned to come but had a business trip come up so we had to go without him. He is having a good time in Nashville though! We all miss him and can't wait for him to come home Wednesday.
Okay...on to the pictures! Some of them look weird colors, my camera is acting up again. I can't wait to get a new one!!

Here are Morgan and Ian with Alex, Tyler and Sara ( some of our homeschooling neighbors) waiting to get started outside the aquarium.

Now, our first stop, the aquarium. It is just a small aquarium but has lots of neat local fish to see.

Ian and his buddy Cade, I think I surprised them with the flash because it is dark in there! They both sort of have the deer in the headlights look here!

Now, here we are outside, petting an ALLIGATOR!!!

Getting ready to head over to the ponds for fishing!! The park provided all the fishing poles and bait for us!!
Ian with Alex, Tyler and Dillon(neighbors)

Part of the group, getting fishing instructions.

My little fisherman!!

My big fisherman!

My boys!


Casting her line!

All four fisherkids! I am not quite sure what Ian was doing at this point.

Now, over to one of the pavilions for a talk with the men from forestry.

PLAYTIME!! After the Forestry presentation, we all ate our picnic lunches and the kids had some time to run off some energy and just be kids!

This is a fun toy!! It is a linked beam of sorts that moves up and down. The boys on the ends were making it go up and down sort like a zigzag motion while the others tried to keep their balance on it! Notice the boy on the ground behind....I think he lost his balance just as I snapped the picture!

HELLOOOOO???? Anybody in there???

My sweet Momo Monkey!

Down side UP?? or.........................

Right side DOWN??

After lunch and playing, we headed over to the museum to hear about the history of the site. This park is the old Lawson prison camp from the civil war. At one time, it was actually the largest prison camp in the world!!

Aaron holding the map up for us.

This is the table they were all gathered around. It is a small model of the site as a prison camp.

Getting ready to watch a short movie about the history.

After the museum, we were free to enjoy the park. Some of the group left but a few of us went out to explore the nature trails for a bit. First stop was to see the turtles!

Then off to walk the nature trails....

Stopping for a picture while we decided which path to take....

My tired little man, posing by a tree.....he was so tired by then...

My girlie girl cheesin'!

Kristen and Mama! Do ya think she sort of looks like me a little bit?

Brothers taking a break....

CHOO CHOO!!! All the world's a choo choo to a two year old train lovin' boy!!

Of course, Mama has to make them pose for a picture all together, by this time, Ian was done!! He was soooooo ready for a nap!

Checking out the lake...but wait!! What's that coming this way??

A log floating in the water?????

OH LOOK!! It's an ALLIGATOR!!!! And he is getting ........


Don't worry, we moved from the edge of the lake and got up on the deck. When Mr. Alligator realized we weren't going to feed him, he turned around and went on his merry way! more try for the group pic......

Another great day!!