Maggie helping Kristen with her math....
Morgan working hard.....
Aaron had music class!
Tuesday was another good day. It took a little longer to get finished with our work but once we were done, we had a visit from some friends. Aaron and Tyler went outside and then went next door to the pool while the younger ones did some artwork.
Ian, Morgan(aka: Lulu), Morgan (aka: Momo) and Cade
Day 3 was another fun day. Kristen started the day with a science experiment. She made a water lens using an ice cream pail, plastic wrap, a rubber band , water and small objects to look at under the "lens". This is a really easy but fun activity.
After she got it put together and looked at it a bit, she called Aaron to come check it out too.
Then.....once Aaron looked, she asked to call the neighbors (fellow homeschoolers) so they could see it. Here is Chris checking it out...
and now the youngest students turn...Morgan, Sara and Ian..
Tyler has also done the water lens and thought it was really cool!
I would like your school!
Oh all are still alive and well..LOL.. I was getting worried!!!
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