Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Painted Toast, Another haircut and Randomness!

Last week, we were learning about Joseph and his coat of many colors in history. There were several suggestions for "colorful" activities but I decided we would do this activity, our friend, Sadie told me about. We painted bread!! This is a great activity. The kids loved it and it was quick, and easy and very inexpensive!!

Ian had some help writing his name on his!

Momo's ready for the toaster!

Ian's ready to go in the toaster!
The finished piece!!

Kristen's ready for the toaster. (The "Liv" on hers is for her best friend, Olivia.)

Time to eat it!!

Momo's finished toast!

Kristen has been wanting to get her haircut. Heather came over and cut it for her as practice for her future career in cosmetology.

The finished look. She shortened it a bit and cut layers.

Some creative photography by Aaron.....can you guess what this is?

Kristen and her friend Becca.

A pretty rainbow we saw over our house after a few rainy days.


Alison said...

Love the haircut!!!

Rhonda said...

That painted toast is a great idea! Kristen's haircut is really cure. I love it! Aaron's photo are the letters that stand for "I LOVE YOU" Am I right?